Monday, 13 January 2025

Back Again

Well, here we are. It’s been 11 years since I last wrote anything on this blog, and somehow, it feels like I’ve come full circle. Back then, social media—especially Facebook—was the place to share bits of life, but over time, those platforms have turned into something toxic and draining. So here I am, ready to dust off this little corner of the internet and start sharing my adventures again.

A lot has changed since my last post. When I left off, my daughter Emelia was barely over a year old, and my son Euan hadn’t even arrived yet. Fast forward, and Emelia is now 12 and heading straight into teenager territory, with a budding interest in rock climbing. Euan, who’s almost 11, is all about mountain biking, football, and gaming—he keeps me on my toes!

Life has thrown a few curveballs along the way. I’ve been divorced, moved house twice, and now find myself settled in a quiet spot on the edge of the countryside. From my bedroom window, I can see the Campsie Fells, and they’ve become the backdrop to my daydreams about what adventures might come next.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Great Gully, The Cobbler

Jim and I went up to The Cobbler with a view to climbing Cave Route or Maclay's Crack but the turf was not frozen enough so we opted to go up Great Gully instead. Plenty of snow but not consolidated enough for proper winter fun yet..